Lizzy our visitor!

August got here way too fast for my liking.

LAST LONGER, SUMMER. I need to move to Hawaii or something.

We've been enjoying our pretty city even more now that Norah is getting a little bit bigger and is cool with riding the bus with me and running around downtown where it's noisy. She's a city girl, that's for sure! This week we've walked down to the river front a couple of times and she's been a champ. Nate just said to me, "The thing about Eleanor is, I love her."

My little sister came to visit and took this photo of us (seen on my insta)

We had so much fun with Lizzy in town. Sisters are da bomb. That's one hard part of living in Chicago; none of our family lives close by. In some ways it makes me feel cozy to live here with my people, but mainly I just miss my sisters and brothers and in-laws. Sigh.

(First stop after the airport: Floriole. Best bakery in America. 
Yes, that's our lunch, and yes, those are little edible violets on my passionfruit tart. Bingo.)


Took lots of selfies with Liz because it's 2014 and well. We shopped a little, ate a lot, and ran around Chicago seeing things that Lizzy didn't get to see when she was here a couple years ago. The photo of us with the giraffe is not exaggerated... we were super into them and those were our genuine expressions. It was pouring rain--POURING--the day we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo (hence the awesome hair on me) but it was a bit of an adventure. Norah slept through the whole thing. Poor kid. She's just so tiny.
It's so hard not to love summer here--eating al fresco, walks at night in t-shirts, hearing the Navy Pier fireworks from our apartment (and sometimes venturing out to watch them even!).

Dinner date at Xoco the other night. My people are cute. And this food. Oh, this food.


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1 comment :

  1. Love this! Your photos are always so darling. Glad you Lizzie was able to visit you. I know how hard it is to be away from everyone.
